So apparently blogging is more like journaling than I realized, I sometimes go months at a time without jornaling and blogging is no different! About a month ago, we purchased our very first home! We have been living with my parents for the last few months and now finally we are in our very own
place!!! We are now located in good old Layton just east of the mall. I thought that it would be fun to

have a little photo tour, so sit back and relax while I take you on this little adventure through the new home of the Peterson's. Sorry the pictures are the greatest quality we misplaced our camera in themove. I'm sure it will turn up at some point but for now these work!! Just outside our front door there is a little fish pond with 5 little fishies. Jet, Nemo, Go Go Goji, Shark Tail, and Whisper (Named by Tricia's nephew, Max Elder)

Our front room looks a little bear because we really don't need to have enough funiture to fill the house so there are a few things spread out all over the house and eventually we will fill it right? The front room has a large bay window that overlooks the front yard. (eventually we will have something soft to sit on so we can actually enjoy it!) Adam loves this room because it has our piano, and we love to hear him play when he gets the chance. In the front room and kitchen there are vaulted ceilings so Noah likes to be thrown up to see over the wall into the other room. He giggles pretty good!!

Just pass the front room there are stairs that go up the the bedrooms and on the other side of the wall is the kitchen, as you can see, there are a few small steps down into the family room from the kitchen. The kitchen is pretty open which is nice but in true "Meyers fashion" I already have plans to change it up. In the picture just below do you see how the dishwasher is right next to the sink, yeah which would be convenient but when the dishwasher is open it covers right where you would stand to load the dishwasher. Which is livable BUT this is our house and if we want to change it we no longer have to ask permission. (We just need the money!) So eventually we will change the kitchen so that there is an island and add more cupboards. (you can never have too many cupboards!)
However, I LOVE my pantry! It is a double french door, with shelfs on either side. One side for all our food and the other side we mainly use for food storage or cupboard storage. (see you can never have too many cupboards!! We have to use the extra space in our pantry!) I can't begin to tell you how many times I have rearranged this pantry though. That is one of the bad things about moving is you have to get everything into a new groove and until everything finds a good home you are constantly moving.
Again, down those few little stairs is the family room, which is also a little bear. Please notice our lovily entertainment center that we got from D.I. for $20. And yes, much to Candace's dismay, we have a beautiful coat rack that was FREE from Tricia's old job at Zions Bank. (They were going to throw it away!!) Our fireplace is gas, we haven't had a chance to turn it on yet but just imagine Christmas morning with a fire blazing as we open presents! Ah love that image!!
This door leads out to the garage. Noah has discovered when he pushs the button to the garage door it opens and now wants to open it all the time!
Out back we have a nice mature tree that gives us shade on almost every inch of the yard! Which is

lovely most of the time but puts a damper on the desire to add a garden! We haven't quite figured out how we are going to work that out yet but we have all winter to decide right. There is a spiral stair case that comes off the deck (which leads off the master bedroom!) The whole north side of the house is a paved RV pad so if we ever needed to get a vehicle or anything in the backyard, there is a straight shot!! I love our little shed, the previous owners said the husband wanted a shed and the wife refused to let him build one unless it didn't look like your typical shed. I think they did a good job!
This is a sandbox behind the spiral stair case, we would eventually like to take out the sand
and fill it with rubber mulch then put a swing set there!! |
One end of my office is for Jetblue and the other side is my Scentsy office. Love that they are together so I can work on Scentsy while Jetblue is slow! Two jobs at once, just call me supermom!! Although, it is a toss up on which room is messier, Noah's toy room or my office. I feel like I spend more time in the office than any other room in the house (which is why I painted it before we moved in)
Now, back upstairs. The master bedroom is right at the top of the stairs on your left. The bedrooms aren't huge but just enough to have the bed and a dresser, although we can't complain too much because we have a large walk-in closet and our own master bath. I guess it all comes out in the wash right. Like I said earlier there is a deck that comes off the master bedroom. When my nephews come over they love running down the spiral stair case and around through the house back up to the bedroom. AROUND AND AROUND! We will be putting a stop to that!!

For right now, Noah is still sleeping in the crib. At some point soon we would like to move him to a big bed and then get this ready for a FUTURE little one. SOMEDAY we are bound to have another one. The two bedrooms upstairs are identical in size and shape. It is hard to tell in the picture but there is a little nook (where the rocker is sitting) Even though the rooms are on the smaller end, they have a lot of closet space which is a good thing!

This is the other bedroom which again is empty because we don't have enough to fill it. Come Christmas hopefully Santa will bring Noah a big bed! Noah loves to come sit in this little chair (this is a chair that my dad made for me when I was a little girl so it is fun to see him love it so much)

And the last room in the house is the bathroom upstairs. We had been in the house for about a week and a half when I decided that the sliding glass doors that were in this bathroom made it too difficult to bath little Noah, so I got ambishous and removed the doors all by myself while Adam was at work. He was surprised to come home and see it gone, but it is so much better and the best part is I sold them on KSL and made a profit!! Love it!
Hope you all enjoyed our little tour! Please know that you are welcome anytime to see it in person. We would love to have you over! And I will try to blog more on the adventures of being a new home owner! There is so much to learn, I have been to Home Depot more in the last month then the rest of my life combined I think! Like they always say, There is always a project to be done!